Ignite Entertainment Variety Show is a mix of burlesque, fire performers, musicians, aerialist, contact jugglers, and more. “!” is filled with audience interaction and fun yet poignant pieces with a fire finalé you won’t want to miss. Live! Laugh! Love!
World Premiere!
Genre: Visual & Performance Art, Burlesque
Rating: R
Running Time: 50 min
Artists: Ignite Entertainment Variety Show
National - West Virginia
Other Fringes the Company Has Performed At: Pittsburgh Fringe (2019)
Ignite Entertainment Variety Show is a collective of unique and talented performers. They are visual storytellers through the arts of dance, burlesque, fire performers, aerialists, flow arts, and more.
These performers have performed at Dinér En Blanc, the National Oddities & Curiousities Expo, Music Festivals, Pride Events, and were even featured in a music video.
They stand on the forefront of fighting for equality, feminism, body positivity, diversity, lgbtq rights, and social justice.